
Air 1, The Positive Alternative

Here is a Christian Station that you can listen to and hear others' real life stories.

--------------------------------------------------------------  Mong Yang, 22yrs old, TCC

      If God hadn’t saved me at that moment, I wouldn’t be here writing this testimony. A memory of my childhood, I can still recall the situation as a time when he helped me.

      It was a bright, beautiful, and sunny morning. My family and I were getting ready to go fishing. While I looked out through the glass window, I could see Hudson City, a small town approximately 40 minutes away from the Twin Cities.  There we were, at the fishing spot where I had been so excited for.  Like any other person, I was jumping from place to place trying to find the best spots where fish were biting.  I looked from one area to another and searched for the best location filled with white bass.  It took a while, but I finally found the area I was looking for.  However, I was still far behind from the designated area and had a long path to take in order to get there.  Moreover, I was a bit too late because there were already tons of fishermen there. In spite of this, I still thought I would be able to get some nibble, and therefore decided to head over.  It was the perfect place to fish because there were so many fishes there. But, the only problem with the spot was that it was unsafe and was too dangerous.

Located next to the fishermen and the fishing area was a big dam.  Before reaching the dam, there was small, one and a half feet wide pathway that connected to the main dam frame. One had to be cautious when they were near the dam because there was bottomless water that surrounded the area.  I didn’t know when I wanted to head to the dam since there were so many people there and so many were walking back and forth on the tiny pathway. I thought to myself if I should go down to the dam as soon as possible, so that I could at least catch some fish before they traveled to a different spot or if I should stay where I was.  It was hard for me to decide what to do, should I go or should I stay. 

Minutes passed by and I was still unsure of what I wanted to do next.  At the very last minute I told myself to just try and see if I could catch anything, even though the area was really packed.  As I was heading to the place, I walked along the pathway while having the joyous thought of catching many fish.  I was walking along when all of a sudden, I noticed that a woman was walking on the same path that I was on.  From that point on, I wasn’t sure what to think.  Should I walk by her while she walked past me, or should I go back until it was safe?  I didn’t know if the narrow pathway was able to support us both.  It took me awhile to think and before I realized it, she was getting close to me.  By that time, I wasn’t sure what to do. 


I had no time to think so I decided to walk along the same path. As she was coming nearer and nearer towards me, I could see how big she was. By that time, I knew that the pathway was not going to fit us both.  She came closer and was finally right by my side.  As we were walking past each other, I had to maneuver myself in order create more space for her to walk. We were side by side along one another and were trying our best not to fall in the water. All of a sudden, splash! Water was every where, it felt like a flood was swarming all over me.  No one seemed to even notice that I had fallen in the water.  More so, it felt like no one bothered to help me. To prop myself up, I held onto the cemented surface until my mother came and rescued me.  She pulled me right up from the water. 

When I was pulled up onto the pathway, I noticed that the hook from the fishing pole was stuck to my shorts and that one of my flip flops was missing.  Of course everyone knows that flip flops float on water but the odd thing about my situation was that my flip flop never floated.  My friend had told me about the many incidents that have happened in that area. There have been numerous people who have fallen in the water and have drowned there. But I was lucky enough to survive. As I remembered, when I was in the water trying to get back up for air, I felt something pulling and tugging me down.  I wasn’t too sure if there was something there that was trying to pull me, but I have heard stories about a ghost at this fishing place.  I am not certain if it is true or not but I thank God. If God wasn’t there to help me, then I wouldn’t be alive right now.

The following day, my older sister told me about my mother’s dream, the dream she had the morning before we went fishing.  In the dream, there was a young boy but the boy wasn't recognizable.  It was like looking at a shadow and it felt like a mystery, with no solution.  That boy was standing next to a body of water, splashing and playing around when all of a sudden, he fell into the water.  He tried swimming back up to the shore in order to save himself. Then out of nowhere my mother, who was the main character in the dream, came and rescued the drowning boy.

When I heard the dream that my sister had told me and heard the meaning behind it, I was happy and shocked to know that the young boy was me. I was the drowning boy.  The dream was foreshadowing what was going to happen.  I was saved, saved by my mother who already knew what was going to happen.  I thank God for providing my mother with the dream.  If he hadn’t shown it to her, then I wouldn’t be here right now.  It was my mother who came and saved me from a possible death, that led to God’s miracle.






Site Updated 07 July 2010
By Crave Team  

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